Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday (of my vacation) found myself in an odd situation: Due to circumstances I had to stay at two different hotels. Although it worked out in the long run there was a period of five hours between when I checked out of the first one and when I could check into the second one. I decided to spend my time going from mall to mall. Arcade, the buffet, and no less than six different arts and craft stores!

It was at one of those stores when I discovered that BERNAT ROVING ISN'T REAL ROVING WHAT THE HELL

For those who don't know: Roving is the stage between "a pile of wool" and "yarn". Roving is thick, barely spun at all, and felts if you look at it the wrong way. Seriously, one yarn store had a sample of knitted roving that was starting to felt just from the people who had handled it over the years. Roving is perfect for felting, aka my bread and butter.

But this...this is LIES. Oh, I knew I wouldn't be getting great wool when I first picked it up. Probably the scratchest, cheapest wool on the planet. But you know what? That's the wool that felts the best! I might have bought one of every color they had if it wasn't for one tiny, important detail.

It's 80% Acrylic.

This is the equivalent of going to a steakhouse and being served a McDonald's burger. Oh, when you go to McD's you know what you're getting. But when you go to a steakhouse you have expectations. I admit that this stuff would probably make some kicking rad thick hats and scarves but DON'T CALL YOURSELF ROVING IF YOU'RE NOT 100% WOOL JESUS CHRIST FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

Okay, I feel better now. ONTO THE SODA.

TODAY'S SODA: Orange Cream

Remember when you were little, and how heavenly an orange creamsicle tasted on the first really hot day of summer?

Yeah, this is like a thousand times better. FUTURE AMBER: Buy like twenty of these next year.

1 comment:

Maureen Cracknell Handmade said...

Ha - that is funny and I totally know what you mean, being a felter myslef.

Good luck with your blog, hope to see you my way! :)